About me

I am a musician by trade, however I got interested in photography when I was getting some photos taken for a recital. I was fascinated at how the photographer used positioning, light, and all sorts of tools to capture an image. While photography is considered artistic, I saw a technical aspect behind it that I was drawn to.

However, I didn’t have a camera around 2018; I had a custom electric guitar that I spent way too much money on and spent nowhere near enough time to justify keeping it. While at college, I was speaking with someone I met there and we happened to be talking about music and I showed him my guitar. He thought it was an awesome instrument and I told him that I was thinking about selling it. He didn’t have the money to buy it, but he did have a camera with two lenses. We met up a few days later, I examined the camera and it was a done deal.

Almost 7 years later and I have branched out to portraiture, dance, wildlife and landscape. I enjoy the process on how to get “the shot”. The different perspectives, turning the ordinary into something special, freezing memories in time, that’s what I aim for in my photos.